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Primary Thriller Research

Primary Thriller Research PowerPoint <<< Here is the powerpoint.

Thriller Preliminary Powerpoint Research in these two videos:

Questions and Answers:

How will this research influence our idea?

The target of the primary research into thriller films was to find out several things; what people enjoy about thriller, our target audience, people favourite type of thriller, and overall WHAT MAKES A GOOD THRILLER. This is our obvious intention when making our thriller as we plan to give the audience what they want as a thriller. This is what we did to gain this kind of information. We created an online survey, a blog poll on my blog (this one), and some camera illusion that we filmed and edited ourselves. We also made online research using the website IMDb.com to find out statistics about types of thrillers and the most popular. We used this information to conclude the best thrillers, and linked this with our favourite thriller.

From the research we made we found out our target age group is going to be around the same age as us. This is because the majority of our feedback is from teenagers, also as teenagers ourselves we figured we would know pretty well what people our age what or would not enjoy in a thriller. This has a big effect on our final film and we now know the specific audience we are aiming at. Also this research shows us exactly what people want in a thriller. For example crime and psychological thrillers are extremely popular among teenagers. This also brings us to another factor of research that has influenced the direction we are going in, in terms of thriller subgenre. From the online research we made on IMDb we found that CRIME thrillers and MYTERY thrillers are among the top thriller sub-genres voted for on IMDb. This also helps us define which thrillers are typically popular. We can also go deeper and use the typical conventions of a crime thriller and mystery thriller and add them with some conventions of our own to give our own personal touch. Also we noticed when getting the top ten films for both crime and mystery thrillers, that quite alot of the films in the list do not consist of expensive CG or special effects shots. For example The Shawshank Redemption is the top crime thriller on the IMDb polls (and also our favourite thriller) was made in 1995 and had no special effects. This is encouraging to us as we do not have the extensive resources needed for this, and want to use simple but effective camera tricks. These will however be used for more typical thriller shots. Overall the research we made here has influenced our final product greatly and we now know what direction we are going in.

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